The 1:3:1 Method to Make More Decisions, Faster, and Boost Productivity

In this video, I outline the amazing 1:3:1 Method to help you manage more effectively. This method leads to more informed and faster decision-making that boosts productivity.

2024 The Year in Review

In this video, I outline my observations on the year in business.

Super Communicators

In this short video, I review author Charle Duhigg's excellent book Super Communicators.

In his book, Duhigg outlines how some people are incredible communicators who build trust, rapport and amazing connection.

Why Wishing for an Outcome Without Intention-Driven Actions Always Fails

In this short video, I explore the observation of people expecting a certain outcome without intention-driven actions or behaviours.

Blue Ocean Strategy

In this short video, I wanted to review a book Blue Ocean Strategy by Kim & Mauborgne.

Blue Ocean Strategy relates to a business in pursuit of differentiation and low cost in a new market space.

State, Story & Strategy

In this video, I share motivator Anthony Robbin's 3 step analysis of how to reach a breakthrough.

To breakthrough being stuck, you must position yourself to cycle through state, story & strategy.

Business is like a Box of Chocolates

'Business is Like a Box of Chocolates' is a play on Forrest Gumps' famous quote from the movie where he states 'Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gunna get'.

Like life, business is like a box of chocolates as we don't really know what we are going to get.

The Power of Now

In this video, I want you to consider the power of now.

There are only 3 timeframes - the past, the present and the future.

Where are you spending the majority of your time for maximum impact?

Slow Productivity

In this video, I discuss Slow Productivity a book by Cal Newport. I outline Cal's 3 key principles to do fewer things, work at a natural pace and obsess over quality.

What Actually Inspires Us Is Counter-Intuitive

In this video, I propose that what actually inspires us is counter-intuitive. Work on doing the opposite to let inspiration in.

With Strategy; Less is More

In this video, I discuss the proposition that with strategy; less is more. Is more strategy necessarily better and what is too much strategy?

Take a Digital Detox to Re-set

In this video, I share my observations on taking a 30 Day Digital detox. You'd be surprised how many benefits are available from this simple practice.

Toxic Positivity

In this video I talk about the concept of 'Toxic Positivity' covered excellently in Whitney Goodman's book of the same title. Toxic positivity is the current phenomenon of always being positive and euphoric, no matter how you feel. Rather than the key to happiness being to suppress sad feelings and mental health issues, I think it is far more useful to consider how to constructively deal with it.

Springsteen & Us

In this video, I workshop a metaphor on our individual personal development and evolution. In 1984, Bruce Springsteen famously released Born In The USA a hugely commercial successful album. However, just a few years prior, Springsteen depressed and strung out, became a recluse and wrote songs for the 1982 album Nebraska. Nebraska was recorded by him solo in a hotel room on a four-track cassette recorder. He was lost but he found himself in writing the songs for Nebraska.

In going deep within himself, he shook off those demons. But only after hitting rock bottom and finding his true authentic self, could he then write Born In The USA.

Often our big goals are not linear and we rarely go straight from point A to point B.

So many times there is a detour that we have to navigate or understand before we hit our goal.

To write Born In The USA, Springsteen had to write Nebraska.

Had he written and released Born In The USA first, he would never have had the luxury nor the freedom to write an album such as Nebraska.

Why Successful Business Owners have a Coach & Mentor - Part 2

In Part 2 of this video series, I discuss the Qualitative benefits that business owners benefit from in having a Business Coach & Mentor.

Why Successful Business Owners Have a Coach & Mentor – Part 1

So many people have asked me over the last 20 years why business owners have a Business Coach & Mentor, so I've decided to share my answers with you.

There are 3 hats as I see it.

Consulting - how to do things based on best practices.

Coaching - how to be your best as a business, team, and individual.

Mentoring - how to navigate, survive, and stay in the game.

In Part 1 of this 2 part video, I first look at the Qualitative benefits of having a Business Coach & Mentor.

How to Reverse Engineer the Business & Personal Life you want to lead

In this video, I discuss the tactics to reverse engineer to the personal and business life you want to lead. This starts with changing from a passive to a proactive mindset and changing your approach to scheduling and workflow.

Use Morning Routines To Supercharge Your Day

In this video, I outline 5 Morning Routines I recommend to supercharge your day. These include the 5 Minute Journal, stretching, juices, affirmations and meditation.


In this video, I acknowledge the prevalence of burnout currently experienced by business owners. Often misdiagnosed as depression, burnout is hard to detect but insidious. Here I share resources and stepping stones to tackle burnout and return to your productive best.

Quiet Quitting

In this video, I outline the recent explosion in quiet quitting. Quiet quitting is where employees put no more effort into their jobs than absolutely necessary.

Wealth Creation Revisited

In this video, I outline the recent explosion in quiet quitting. Quiet quitting is where employees put no more effort into their jobs than absolutely necessary.

Conquering the Fear Bubble to achieve our Goals

In this video, I refer to SAS Soldier Ant Middleton's book 'The Fear Bubble'. The 'fear bubble' technique is an elegant and powerful visualization technique that provides a framework to face your fear and execute under pressure.

Dumbing Down with Smart Phones & Devices

In this video, I expand on new research on adult teenagers who started life in the early 2000's with the advent of smartphones & devices.

Waiting For The Next Bus

In this video, I introduce a handy business metaphor. Missing out on a new client or business opportunity is a bit like missing a bus. Out of breath and frustrated, you stand alone in the hot sun or pouring rain dejected. But there is always another bus. Right?

Why We Must Get Back to Deep Work

In this video, I explore the hot topic of how email, social media and tech is stealing massive chunks of our time. This noise and interruption robs us of our opportunity to do Deep Work.

Returning to Strategy - Big Plans for the New Year

After 2 years of the pandemic, it's time to return to strategy. But how do you get back to strategy when you have been stuck in operations?

Be So Good They Can't Ignore You

In this video, I cite a wonderful quote on how to be successful from famous comedian Steve Martin, and how you can use it in your business.

Angel or Devil?

In this video, I challenge you to review your use of email in your working life and the impact across your business. While there are benefits to email, there are also pitfalls. Let's explore the impact of email on our everyday working lives and our business productivity and culture.

Moving from Employee mindset to Business Owner Mindset

In this video, I outline how to move the mindset from an Employee mindset to a Business Owner mindset. I refer to Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hours in his book Outliers. After your first 10,000 hours of building your technical or operational skills over 7-10 years, you have to start a new game where you develop new skillsets.

How to Play a Bigger Game in Business this Year

In this video, I share some of the tactics and strategies I'm working on with SME owners and their teams to play a bigger game in business this year.

The Challenges & Opportunities for the New Year in Business

In this video, I outline some of the challenges & opportunities for the new year in business.

Reflections 2021

In this video, I reflect on the year and share observations on what businesses faced in 2021.

The Modern Stoic

In this video, I discuss stoicism and why now more than ever, we should consider drawing on this ancient philosophy in our modern times.

Pressure is a Privilege

In this video, I expand on tennis champion Billy Jean King's famous quote 'Pressure is a privilege - it only comes to those who deserve it.'

What the Olympics Can Teach Us about Business

In this video, I discuss what the Olympics can teach us about business. The parallels might surprise you.

Rules Without Relationships Lead to Rebellion

In this video, I expand on a quote from Coach John Mosley of the Netflix documentary Last Chance U where he states 'Rules without relationships lead to rebellion'.

Green Shoots Appearing in Business

In this video, I discuss the green shoots I'm seeing appear in business and what you can do to get your business growing again.

Stepping Out of Hibernation

In this video, I discuss the challenges and opportunities we face in stepping out from hibernation. There are 3 speeds to how people are reconnecting and I share what you can do to reconnect with the physical world.

Strategic Planning for the New Financial Year.

In this video, I discuss setting up your strategy for the new financial year. I discuss the approach to tackling how to set up a winning game plan that will see you succeed.

The Real Economy

In this video, I share my views on what is really happening in the economy. It turns out it may be different from what the mainstream media is telling you.

What's your Theme this Year?

In this video, I challenge you to come up with a Theme for the year ahead. Mine is 'Simple Calm'. After defining your Theme, before committing to a project or decision ask yourself "Is this consistent with my Theme?". A Theme can be a great compass to keep you heading due North throughout the year ahead.

Re-platforming your Strategy in 2021

In this video I explore the opportunity to re-platform your strategy in 2021.

Christmas Video

The Social Dilemma

I recently watched the excellent Netflix documentary 'The Social Dilemma'. I encourage you to watch it as it interviews senior management and programmers previously employed by the social media platforms.

Content Curation

People often ask me how I am able to create a library of content that I consume in relation to blogs, podcasts, books, film, television and music.

Business Attraction

In this video, I discuss the freedoms of choice we have in running our own business. The choice to start a business allows us to be independent and truly express ourselves. Here I explore the pros and cons of running your own business with a reminder to revisit the spark that got us started.

Revisiting the Controllable & Uncontrollable in Uncertain Times

In this video I revisit the tactic of identifying issues as Controllable or Uncontrollable in uncertain times.

Breaking Down the Elephant of Lockdown

In this video I outline some observations on how to break down the Elephant of Lockdown. Thinking or planning in daily and weekly blocks helps to reduce overwhelm and create surety in uncertain times.

Distraction through Projects

In this video I outline the power of introducing projects in times of anxiety.

Revisiting Minimum Effective Dose (MED)

In this video I revisit how using Minimum Effective Dose, or MED, is a game-changer.

Revisiting your Circle of Excellence

In this video I remind business owners why they should reach out to their Circle of Excellence.

Curated Resources to be your Best

In this video I share the best blogs, apps, podcasts, books and resources to help you be your best in business.

Mind-mapping for Uncertainty

Here I outline a tactic to mind-map scenarios in uncertainty. This not only helps you map outcomes under a best, mid or worst scenario; but determine the actions you will take should they occur.

What Business Owners Really Want to Talk about

In this video, I reveal what business owners really want to talk about throughout this crisis. Speaking to different business owners every week, you observe trends and commonalities within their pain points and areas of focus.

Re Platforming from Crisis

Mark Bloodworth from Lifeblood Performance speaks to me about how business owners can re-platform from the current crisis.