Whatever your challenge, The Fourth Moon will guide you through each stage of your journey to achieving your ultimate goal.
Bourke’s Fourth Moon metaphor is simple, elegant and proven. Once the underlying principles are understood managers, business owners and their teams can immediately take action by following a simple step-by-step process.
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How to escape the mire of day-to-day business operations, transform the way your business operates, and achieve spectacular and sustainable success?
In his narrative-driven book, The Fourth Moon, Melbourne-based business coach and mentor Darren K Bourke draws on 25 years’ experience to identify and explore the four universal elements of business success – Strategy, Implementation, Maintenance and Leverage.
The Fourth Moon recounts the story of fictitious IT entrepreneur Tom Dylan who, like so many small to medium business owners feels bogged down and paralysed by the day-to-day operational demands of his business. Tom commits, at first reluctantly, to embark on a mission to reach The Fourth Moon – a place where business owners leverage true success within all aspects of their business and personal life.
Bourke employs the medium of metaphor to trace Tom’s business journey via the four moons of Jupiter discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. Each of Galileo’s four moons represents a different stage in Tom’s mission:
The First Moon: Io – Strategy.
The Second Moon: Europa – Implementation.
The Third Moon: Ganymede – Maintenance.
The Fourth Moon: Callisto – Leverage.
En route to The Fourth Moon, Bourke introduces Tom to the concepts of Mission Planning, Mission and Crew Goals, Mission Meetings and disciplines designed to instill strategy and structure around business operations. And Bourke examines some of the traits common to successful entrepreneurs he’s worked with in the past: patience, open-mindedness and perseverance.
Offering accessible, practical, step-by-step processes that any manager, entrepreneur, business owner and team can implement, The Fourth Moon outlines time-tested, proven, easy-to-action strategies for achieving spectacular success in business and in life.
Entrepreneurs who reach The Fourth Moon can expect to:
Earn higher profits.
Work less if they wish to.
Create more lifestyle options for themselves.
Increase personal net worth.
Be truly authentic and in control of their lives.
Maximise the value of their business.
Breathe new life into their daily routines.
Refine their life’s purpose and meaning.
Todd Henry, author of Die Empty
David Meerman Scott, international bestselling author of ''The New Rules of Marketing and PR'' and ''Marketing the Moon''
Scott Duffy, best-selling author of Launch.
Sonia Miller - March 26, 2015
Ross Cameron - June 4, 2015
Amazon Customer - February 8, 2016